week 3

Week 3 - Signs



This week we continued in the “Who Is This Man” series reflecting on the gospel of Mark as we pursued the answer to the question, who is Jesus? We were reminded that living in the kingdom of God, with God in charge of our lives, has forgiveness at its foundation.

Jesus went out of his way to call those who were considered the least of these in society to follow him. This was a movement for all, not just for some.

Mark 2:16
...”Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?”

He was criticized by the religious leaders for hanging out with and inviting tax collectors and sinners to follow him.

Mark 2:17
On hearing this, Jesus said to them. “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

Jesus was inviting those who knew they were sick into his movement. They were in need of forgiveness and grace and were seeking it. This also points to those, such as the religious leaders, who thought they were fine and did not need forgiveness. They looked righteous in their own eyes and others on the outside but only God knew their hearts and their true need for forgiveness.

At the core of the Jesus movement is acknowledgment that we are broken and in need of a savior. This is something the religious leaders failed to recognize.


When we look at Facebook or Instagram we see what appear to be perfect people with perfect marriages and kids that always obey their parents. We know this is not the case. Why do you think there is a tendency in our society to put on a front when we are all clearly broken people?

Have you ever known someone who appeared to “have it all together” with the “perfect life”, and then later opened up to share their brokenness with you? How did this make you feel?

In this week's message, Scott pointed out that being part of the Jesus movement begins with acknowledging that we are broken. Why do you think this is a necessary?

Do you sometimes feel like you are trying to look like you have it all together on the outside but are feeling broken on the inside?

When we share our brokenness with others it helps us to connect with them in an authentic way and bring healing. What do you think we can do as a faith community to help others feel safe to share their brokenness?

Share about a time you took your brokenness to Jesus and received healing.

Is there an area of your life that feels broken that you have not yet taken to Jesus? Pray about how you can surrender this to him this week.


Pray that we would acknowledge our brokenness and need for a savior, that we would surrender all areas of our lives to the healing work of Jesus.


Pray that we would have opportunities to share stories of how Jesus has healed us in our brokenness. Pray that as we fully surrender to Jesus and live in the kingdom of God, with God in charge, that our lives would reflect the love of Christ.


Pray for Shemah Tours, an FCC affiliated partner, in Southeast Asia who are working with Muslim people groups who have less than 1% population committed to following Jesus. Praise God for a few men and women who've started studying Jesus through the New Testament. Pray for their faith to grow and for the courage to share their newfound hope and joy with their families and friends.

Week 3 - Gratitude


This was week three of Hot Mess and we listened to a message series about our closest relationships. Our guest speaker was Todd Clark, and he talked about the idea of gratitude and how crucial the expression of gratitude is to our loved ones.

Todd shared the story of Jesus healing the ten men with leprosy.

Luke 17:11-19

Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy[a] met him. They stood at a distance 13 and called out in a loud voice, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!”

When he saw them, he said, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were cleansed.

One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan.

Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? 18 Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?”  Then he said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well.”

Often we use this passage to talk about being grateful. We think of the nine men who didn’t return as ungrateful. But Todd pointed out that they were most likely very grateful for what Jesus had done. Their lives were drastically changed for the better. The man who returned to thank Jesus didn't necessarily feel more gratitude than the others. What set him apart is that he took the time to express his gratitude. 

As a society, we can be much like the nine others. We may feel gratitude toward others and just assume that they know how we feel. If we fail to express our gratitude, then how will people know that it actually exists?


Tell us about a time when you felt underappreciated.

Why do you think we are so bad at expressing appreciation toward others?

 Tell us about a person in your life who you feel gratitude for, who may not even know it.

 What keeps you from telling others when you are thankful for them or for something they have done?

Brainstorm some ideas about how you can creatively express gratitude toward people in your life.

 Share the names of two people who are not in this group, that you will express gratitude toward this week.

 Go around the room, and have everyone share one thing they are grateful for about the person on their right and the person on their left. 


Pray that we will make an effort to express gratitude to the people in our lives. Pray that this will not just be a short-term focus, but a direction in which we grow and mature.


Pray that as a church we will be a place where people recognize our gratitude, and that this will be a source of encouragement for others.


Pray for FCC global partners, Lifeline Christian Mission, in Haiti. Pray for the people of Haiti and their government as they work to find a peaceful resolution to the unemployment crises and high gas prices. Pray for Lifeline and the church at large in Haiti to be an encouraging voice of hope and love, pointing people to Jesus.

Week 3 - Oh Look, A Bird


As we continued our Reset series this week, Scott talked about things that distract us from living in the moment, and seeing what God may be trying to do in our lives. Scott shared three stories of people who didn’t stop and see Jesus, even though he was right in front of their faces. Take a few minutes to read the following passages.

John 20:1-14

Luke 24:13-32

Luke 10:38-42

The fact that Mary missed seeing Jesus at the tomb seems to be rooted in her disbelief. When the two disciples on the road missed seeing Jesus, it looks like it is rooted in their sorrow and defeat. When Martha misses seeing Jesus, it is because she is distracted by housework. In all three cases, people who followed and loved Jesus were prevented from being able to see him. If we love Jesus, but fail to see him working our our lives, then we are most likely distracted by something.


We just looked at three passages about people who missed seeing Jesus. Which one do you identify with the most?

Tell us about one of the greatest or fondest moments that you can remember in your own life?

What made that moment so great?

Have you aver had an experience that may have been a great moment if you had not been preoccupied with, or distracted by something?

Are there people, places, or things in your life that you would like to be able to enjoy more?

What keeps you from enjoying these things as much as you would like?

What distracts you the most?

What are some simple and feasible things you can do to minimize the distractions in your life, and live in the moment?


Pray that we will each be able to slow down and live in the moment for our own sakes, and for the benefit of those around us.


Pray that we will be a church of people who look different from the rat-race of the world. Pray that people will see that we are not too busy or distracted to follow Jesus and love others.


Spend a moment praising God for the 103 youth in Chile who’ve been mobilized by FCC global partners, Ibero American Ministries, to do short term missions in 2019/20. Pray that our global partners are able to successfully equip and launch all of these commitments to serve cross culturally and for their impact to bring many to know and follow Jesus.

Week 3 - Shepherds



This week Scott talked about the shepherds in the Christmas story. These were uncivilized country folk. They were not accepted, included, or trusted by the rest of society. In spite of this, God chose them to be the first recipients of the greatest birth announcement of all time. The outcasts became the guests of honor. The nobodies became the VIPs.

This is at the heart of what Christmas is all about. You matter to God. He doesn’t care about if you are on the inside, outside, upside, or downside. With Jesus there is no longer an in crown or an out crowd. Everybody is loved and accepted and invited to participate in what He is doing.

Scott contrasted this idea to the Roman way of life that serves as a backdrop for this story. In the ancient world that Jesus was born into, you had to be a free Roman citizen to be on the inside.
Today we can still feel like outsiders at times. And sadly, as Christ followers, we can often make others feel like outsiders.


Tell us about a time when you felt like an outsider. It could be an instance when you weren’t invited, felt excluded, or just didn’t feel like you fit in.

What is your emotional response when you feel like you are on the outside?

Do you think that we do anything at church; intentionally or unintentionally, that can make visitors feel like outsiders? If so, can you think of an example?

Is there a place in your life where you presently feel like an outsider?

Is there someone in your life who may feel like an outsider? What can you do to make that person feel included?


Thank God for the fact that Jesus includes everyone of us. Pray that we will understand that we matter to God and that to Him we are insiders, no matter how we may feel. Pray that we will reach out to marginalized people, and those who need to know that they matter to God. Pray that as a church, and as individuals, outsiders will matter to us.

Week 3 - Love


This was our final week of Be Rich. On week one, FCC stepped up to the challenge to be rich with our resources by raising $81,000 to give to organizations who are doing great work in our community. Last week we stepped up to the challenge to be rich with our time by serving others. This week’s challenge is a bit more personal. The challenge is for each of us, individually, to be rich in love by doing something selfless, loving and kind for another person.

Our hope is that these things will not just be a one-time occurrence, but become a lifestyle of richness in generosity, in good deeds, and in love. Be rich is about having a generous spirit that looks for opportunities to love others in our everyday lives.
When talking about love, Scott used the example of your first youthful crush. Whether it was internal or external, you pursued that crush in some way. You made efforts to be around that person, or you daydreamed about them. In some way you nurtured and pursued your feelings toward that person. Love is the same way. When we pursue it, we find ourselves experiencing it. If we want to feel love for others, we must pursue it. We must be intentional about it. We must work for it.


Tell us about your first crush. Who was it, and how did you nurture your feelings toward that person, or pursue them?

How does real love differ from a crush?

This week’s challenge was to perform an act of love for somebody. Have you done this already? If so, tell us about it. If not, who is someone in your life who could use an act of love? What can you do for them?


Pray that we will love the way that Jesus loves us. Pray that the “Be Rich” series will not be a season of isolated incidents, but the beginning of a new way of living as we are rich toward others in generosity, in service, and in love.

Week 3: Kryptonite


James 1:15
Then, after desire is conceived. It gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.

As people, sin is our Kryptonite. Sin is what brings death and destruction into our lives, dreams, and relationships. Sin damages our ability to love and trust others, and separates us from God.

God takes sin so seriously, that Jesus used extreme examples to describe what measures we should be willing to take to avoid it. While his statements are obviously hyperbolic, they are communicated this way to convey the severity of the destruction that sin can bring to our lives.

Matthew 5:29-30
If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.

Scott focused the second half of his message on the idea of “guardrails.” These are preventative measures that we can take to make sure that sin does not get a grip on our lives. Guardrails are in place to keep us “away from the edge.,”

In the book of Genesis, Lot is a man who could have used guardrails. In chapter 13, he separates from his Uncle Abraham, and chooses a new place to settle.

Genesis 13:11-13
So Lot chose for himself the whole plain of the Jordan and set out toward the east. The two men parted company: Abram lived in the land of Canaan, while Lot lived among the cities of the plain and pitched his tents near Sodom. Now the people of Sodom were wicked and were sinning greatly against the Lord.

Lot chose to live not in, but near a city full of wickedness. A few chapters later, where do we find Lot?

Genesis 19:1The two angels arrived at Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting in the gateway of the city. When he saw them, he got up to meet them and bowed down with his face to the ground.

Unless our boundaries are defined and in place, they do not guard us from anything. It is easy to imagine that over time, Lot inched closer and closer to Sodom, until he was eventually a part of the wicked culture that he once only observed at a distance.


What are the things in your life that you value the most?
How can sin threaten these things?
Have you defined guardrails when it comes to protecting these things from sin?

What are some possible guardrails that we can put in place when it comes to the following sins?

-Drunkenness-Sexual Sin -Greed -Gossip

-Hate -Envy

What does it take for guardrails to work?
If we set boundaries in our lives, how are they enforced?


Pray that we will guard our hearts by setting appropriate boundaries in place that will protect us from the destructiveness of sin.

Continue to pray for our “Snow Way Event.” This is an opportunity for us to invite friends and neighbors to FCC, and connect with people who need Jesus. Pray about who you might invite, and that the event will be a success.

Pray for FCC field workers in the Middle East as they run a second center to help give aid to marginalized people groups and refugees. Pray for many to sense the presence of God in our workers and their programs and to then have the boldness and courage to ask faith questions and pursue following Jesus.





This week’s message focused in on the things that we are about accomplishing as a church. At the very core of our existence, God wants us to be about two things, loving Him, and loving other people.

John 13:34-35
A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Our love for one another is our trademark trait as followers of Christ. It is the characteristic that the world should know us by. Our goal for the church is that as we follow Jesus, our faith in God increases, along with our love for one another.

2 Thessalonians 1:3

Our goal as a church is to love God more, and love people more. The strategy for this goal is summed up in the pursuit of three things; intimacy with God, community with insiders, and influence with outsiders.

Intimacy with God is not just knowing things about God, but having a personal relationship with Him. It is about trusting God as we put the things we believe into practice.

Community with insiders is about letting other believers into our lives. It is about connecting relationally and growing spiritually together.

Influence with outsiders has to do with the way that we love people outside the church. It is about practicing influence that seeks to love and to serve instead of influence that seeks to overpower and manipulate.

Matthew 20:25-28
Jesus called them together and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

We ought always to thank God for you, brothers and sisters, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love all of you have for one another is increasing.


In his message, Scott pointed out the connection that Jesus makes between loving God and loving people. In spite of the fact that you cannot love God without loving those He created, people have historically attempted to do just that. What does it look like when someone tries to serve God without loving people?

2 Thessalonians 1:3 also links our faith in God to our love for others. How does growing faith in God increase our love for others? How does loving others increase our faith in God?

Matthew 20:25-28 contrasts the power structure of the world against the powerful influence of people who follow Jesus. We are directed to not exercise the kind of power and authority that is prevalent in the world. How do worldly leaders lord their authority over others today?
What are examples of times that well-meaning Christians attempt to lord their authority over people instead of serving them?
How would things change if we used all of our power and authority to love and serve others instead of trying to exert power over them?


Pray that we will have greater intimacy with God, authentic community with each other, and increasing influence with people who need Jesus.

Pray that we will leverage whatever authority, power and resources we possess as a church to lovingly service others, and never to lord it over people.

Spend a moment praising God for the significant progress last week’s adult FCC Chile team made in building a bigger gathering space for a Church in Chile. Pray for peace, smooth travels, and a positive impact and experience for the High School Chile team serving this week in Santiago.