We just started a new series called Heroes. During this series, we are having some fun talking about superheroes and what it takes for us to be heroes. Scott focused us on a very short verse that tells us the story of a hero named Shamgar.
Judges 3:31
After Ehud came Shamgar son of Anath, who struck down six hundred Philistines with an oxgoad. He too saved Israel.
Although this verse doesn’t seem like much, it reveals a lot of truth about what it takes to be a hero. Shamgar was not a hero because of some incredible superpower, or laboratory accident. Shamgar was a hero because he used what he had and where he was, to do what he could.
God places a high value on the idea of people using the resources that we are blessed with.
1 Peter 4:10
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
Read Matthew 25:14-30
In this parable, the servants are not judged by what they have been given, but by what they did with what they were given. The servant who buried his money was called wicked and lazy.
The greatest thing that we can do with what we have been given, is to place it into Jesus’ hands. When we give our time, money, talents, energy, skills, aptitudes, and efforts over to God, He can do great things with them. We have to decide each day if we will put to use what we have been given, or if we will use it for our own advantage.
Scott shared these three simple ideas, that reflect Shamgar’s success…
1. Start where you are.
2. Use what you have.
3. Do what you can.
We are going to take a few minutes to think about these three things and how we can follow Shamgar’s example.
Where are you? How would you describe your present situation, circumstances, and phase of life?
What do you have? What has God blessed you with? What are your assets, skills, talents, passions, and resources?
What can you do? Dream about what you could possibly do with what you have in your present situation. Dream big. Have fun imagining what you might accomplish.
Prayerfully consider if God may be leading you to be a hero for others in a new way.
Pray that we will be open to God’s leading, and that we will look at our place, resources, and potential with a fresh sense of vision.
Pray that FCC will effectively be a hero to our community; using what we have to serve and love others in a way that consistently reveals God’s love.
(Jericho will provide this)